Wash your hands with a mild soap, rinse completely and dry with a lint-free towel. A wet finger may cause a soft lens to flatten. Avoid using fingernails to handle your lenses. If you’re working near a sink, close the drain. Get in the habit of always working with the right lens first to avoid mix-ups.
Pour the lens and storage fluid from the case into your palm. Inspect the lens for particles, deposits or tears.
Place the lens, cup side up, on your dry forefinger. Determine if the lens is right side out. If it is right side out, the lens’ edge will appear almost straight up. If inside-out, the edges will flare out slightly. Another test is to place the lens on a crack in the palm of your hand and then cup the hand slightly. This will flex the lens. If the edge of the lens curls inwards, it is the correct way out; if the edge curls outwards and wraps onto the palm of the hand, it is inside out. If it is inside out, reverse it.
Hold the upper lashes (or lids) to prevent blinking. Pull the bottom eyelid down using your middle finger. Look up so the white part of your eye shows. Place the lens onto the exposed white part of your eye. Or, instead of looking up, look straight ahead at the lens and gently place it in the center of your eye. Remove your finger and let go of the lids, bottom lid first, and then top. Look downward to help position the lens, then close your eyes momentarily.
Apply one or two drops of lens lubricant (eye drops) if your lenses feel dry or if blurry vision occurs during wear. Follow the same steps to insert the other lens
Finally - keep at it, most people suceed eventually!
Make sure the lens is centered on your eye before trying to remove it. Cover the other eye; if your vision is blurred, the lens is either off center or not on the eye at all. Locate the lens with a mirror and re-center it.
Pull Down Lower Eyelid:
Look upward, keeping your head level. Pull down the lower lid of your eye with your middle finger.
Slide Lens Down:
While looking up, place the tip of your index finger on the lower edge of the lens and slide it down onto the lower white part of your eye.
Pull Lens Off Eye:
Still looking up, squeeze the lens gently between your thumb and index finger. Gently remove the lens from the eye.
If you wear contacts, it's important to know how to properly clean and care for your lenses. This will help keep your eyes healthy and ensure you maintain a good level of comfort.
The type of cleaning required for your lenses will depend on the type of contacts that you wear, so be sure to read the instructions that come with the lenses carefully.
If you have other questions, the best person to consult regarding the maintenance of your lenses will probably be your eye care professional. They will be able to provide expert advice on the type of care that your eyes and lenses require, as well as how to maintain good overall health.
The world around us is full of tiny microbes that can cause problems for our health. This is certainly true when it comes to our eyes, and when you wear contacts, proper maintenance is vital to avoid infections and other similar problems.
Acanthamoeba keratitis is one such illness that's caused by a microscopic amoeba and could result in damage to the cornea. It is generally found in patients who have not properly been caring for contact lenses and can lead to severe discomfort and redness. In exceptional cases, surgery could be required for treatment.
When cleaning your contact lenses, you'll be removing dirt and debris from the lenses, as well as residues and bacteria. It's common for contact lenses to accumulate a build-up of protein and calcium, as both of these substances are found in tears.
By keeping your lenses clean and disinfected, you'll be taking care of your eyes and ensuring that you maintain good ocular health - avoiding infections and scratches to the cornea, as well as ensuring that the surface of your eyes are getting enough oxygen.
Depending on the type of contacts you have, cleaning them will require different amounts of work. For extended wear lenses, you may not need to carry out any maintenance, as the lenses are designed to be worn for a set length of time before being thrown away.
Other types of disposable lenses, as well as re-useable lenses will generally require rubbing the lenses with a special cleaner, disinfecting and then soaking them overnight.
Sometimes moisturisers or conditioners can also be used. This will help to keep the lenses hydrated throughout the day and help you to avoid the discomfort and redness associated with dry eyes or allergies.
Whatever type of contacts you have, always wash your hands carefully before handling the lenses to avoid contaminating them with bacteria or other harmful substances.
It's also important to get your eyes checked on a regular basis to ensure that they are staying healthy and that your contact lens prescription hasn't changed.
1. A bottle of solution
2.Lens case
3.Don't throw away your glasses - you'll need them.